File Uploading

GraphQL CMS also supports file uploading.

By default it is impossible to automatically define which fields in GraphQL Type has to be used to save information on uploaded file.

For example we have field primaryImage: {type: GraphQLString}, in productType which we want to use to save uploaded file name.

To be able to do that we have to extend config object.

We need to add uploadRoot property where we are defining full path to your public folder.

In inputType property of current field we are defining type 'file'. You can also provide uploadPathproperty to specify where to save the file for a particular Type:


If you don't provide uploadPath by default in uploadRoot it will create a folder productType where it will save all uploaded files for productType.

let config = {
        schema: printSchema(schema),
        exclude: ['paymentType'],
        uploadRoot: '/var/www/',
        rules: {
            productType: {
                uploadPath: 'product',
                fields: {
                    primaryImage: {
                        inputType: 'file'

Code above will generate the following: And preview on hover:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""